
ROS-2650+-只做原装优势库存.长期订货  原厂渠道价优出售

ROS-2650+-只做原装优势库存.长期订货 原厂渠道价优出售

0.27 原价10.27 去抢购

【4周达】A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with Ros [9781498777827]

【4周达】A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with Ros [9781498777827]

968 原价978 去抢购

【4周达】Reactive Oxygen Species (Ros), Nanoparticles, and Endoplasmic Reticulum (Er) Stress-Induced ... [9780128224816]

【4周达】Reactive Oxygen Species (Ros), Nanoparticles, and Endoplasmic Reticulum (Er) Stress-Induced ... [9780128224816]

2208 原价2218 去抢购

【4周达】Ring A Ring A Rosé: A tweak on your favourite nursery rhymes. For tired mums who could do w... [9780648669302]

【4周达】Ring A Ring A Rosé: A tweak on your favourite nursery rhymes. For tired mums who could do w... [9780648669302]

229 原价239 去抢购

预订 Telegraphenb ros Und Nachrichtenagenturen in Deutschland : Untersuchungen Zu Ihrer Geschichte Bi... [9783598205545]

预订 Telegraphenb ros Und Nachrichtenagenturen in Deutschland : Untersuchungen Zu Ihrer Geschichte Bi... [9783598205545]

1837 原价1847 去抢购

【4周达】Ring a Ring a Rosé: A tweak on your favourite nursery rhymes. For tired mums who could do w... [9780648669319]

【4周达】Ring a Ring a Rosé: A tweak on your favourite nursery rhymes. For tired mums who could do w... [9780648669319]

157 原价167 去抢购

【4周达】Programming Robots with Ros: A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System [9781449323899]

【4周达】Programming Robots with Ros: A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System [9781449323899]

475 原价485 去抢购

【4周达】Mass Education, Global Capital, and the World: The Theoretical Lenses of István Mészáros ... [9781137014818]

【4周达】Mass Education, Global Capital, and the World: The Theoretical Lenses of István Mészáros ... [9781137014818]

506 原价516 去抢购

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 3) [9783030062583]

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 3) [9783030062583]

1405 原价1415 去抢购

【4周达】Build Autonomous Mobile Robot from Scratch using ROS : Simulation and Hardware [9781484296448]

【4周达】Build Autonomous Mobile Robot from Scratch using ROS : Simulation and Hardware [9781484296448]

574 原价584 去抢购

【4周达】ROS Robotics By Example - Second Edition: Learning to control wheeled, limbed, and flying ro... [9781788479592]

【4周达】ROS Robotics By Example - Second Edition: Learning to control wheeled, limbed, and flying ro... [9781788479592]

678 原价688 去抢购

【4周达】Physiological and Pathological Role of ROS: Benefits and Limitations of Antioxidant Treatment [9783039362820]

【4周达】Physiological and Pathological Role of ROS: Benefits and Limitations of Antioxidant Treatment [9783039362820]

618 原价628 去抢购

【4周达】Reactive Oxygen Species In Plants - Boon Or Bane -Revisiting The Role Of Ros [Wiley生命科学] [9781119287292]

【4周达】Reactive Oxygen Species In Plants - Boon Or Bane -Revisiting The Role Of Ros [Wiley生命科学] [9781119287292]

2093 原价2103 去抢购

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference  (Volume 2) [9783319549262]

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 2) [9783319549262]

2507 原价2517 去抢购

【4周达】Points Fixes, Zéros Et La Méthode de Newton [9783540309956]

【4周达】Points Fixes, Zéros Et La Méthode de Newton [9783540309956]

574 原价584 去抢购

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 1) [9783319260525]

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 1) [9783319260525]

2507 原价2517 去抢购

预订 Robot Operating System Cookbook: Over 70 recipes to help you master advanced ROS concepts [9781783987443]

预订 Robot Operating System Cookbook: Over 70 recipes to help you master advanced ROS concepts [9781783987443]

616 原价626 去抢购

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 4) [9783030201890]

【4周达】Robot Operating System (ROS) : The Complete Reference (Volume 4) [9783030201890]

1743 原价1753 去抢购

【4周达】Ros - Se [9783110220421]

【4周达】Ros - Se [9783110220421]

3386 原价3396 去抢购

预订 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Based Therapeutics [9783330069152]

预订 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Based Therapeutics [9783330069152]

694 原价704 去抢购