


78.09 原价88.09 去抢购

【4周达】Veblen and Modern America: Revolutionary Iconoclast [9780745309606]

【4周达】Veblen and Modern America: Revolutionary Iconoclast [9780745309606]

1164 原价1174 去抢购

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen: Theorist of the Leisure Class [9780691006543]

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen: Theorist of the Leisure Class [9780691006543]

533 原价543 去抢购

【4周达】Frank H. Knight and Thornstein B. Veblen: Archival and Bibliographical Materials [9780762305964]

【4周达】Frank H. Knight and Thornstein B. Veblen: Archival and Bibliographical Materials [9780762305964]

1434 原价1444 去抢购

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen : Economist and Social Theorist [9780815371854]

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen : Economist and Social Theorist [9780815371854]

602 原价612 去抢购

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen : Economics for an Age of Crises [9781843318583]

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen : Economics for an Age of Crises [9781843318583]

1264 原价1274 去抢购

【4周达】Veblen in Plain English: A Complete Introduction to Thorstein Veblen's Economics [9781934043455]

【4周达】Veblen in Plain English: A Complete Introduction to Thorstein Veblen's Economics [9781934043455]

1079 原价1089 去抢购

【4周达】Legacy of Thorstein Veblen [9781840647228]

【4周达】Legacy of Thorstein Veblen [9781840647228]

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【4周达】thorstein veblen in the twenty-first century: A Commemoration of The Theory of the Leisure C... [9781858986135]

【4周达】thorstein veblen in the twenty-first century: A Commemoration of The Theory of the Leisure C... [9781858986135]

1771 原价1781 去抢购

【4周达】Institutional Economics: Veblen, Commons, and Mitchell Reconsidered [9780520340275]

【4周达】Institutional Economics: Veblen, Commons, and Mitchell Reconsidered [9780520340275]

401 原价411 去抢购

【4周达】A New Economic Theory of Public Support for the Arts : Evolution, Veblen and the predatory arts [9781138914193]

【4周达】A New Economic Theory of Public Support for the Arts : Evolution, Veblen and the predatory arts [9781138914193]

2004 原价2014 去抢购

【4周达】Essential Writings of Thorstein Veblen [9780415777902]

【4周达】Essential Writings of Thorstein Veblen [9780415777902]

2398 原价2408 去抢购

【4周达】Veblen's Century : A Collective Portrait [9780765808820]

【4周达】Veblen's Century : A Collective Portrait [9780765808820]

345 原价355 去抢购

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen and the Revival of Free Market Capitalism [9781845425401]

【4周达】Thorstein Veblen and the Revival of Free Market Capitalism [9781845425401]

1771 原价1781 去抢购

【4周达】Ethical Codes and Income Distribution : A Study of John Bates Clark and Thorstein Veblen [9780415494113]

【4周达】Ethical Codes and Income Distribution : A Study of John Bates Clark and Thorstein Veblen [9780415494113]

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【4周达】The Intellectual Legacy of Thorstein Veblen: Unresolved Issues [9780313299469]

【4周达】The Intellectual Legacy of Thorstein Veblen: Unresolved Issues [9780313299469]

1296 原价1306 去抢购

【4周达】Is Economics an Evolutionary Science? - The Legacy of Thorstein Veblen: The Legacy of Thorst... [9781840641950]

【4周达】Is Economics an Evolutionary Science? - The Legacy of Thorstein Veblen: The Legacy of Thorst... [9781840641950]

1500 原价1510 去抢购

【4周达】Veblen in Plain English: A Complete Introduction to Thorstein Veblen's Economics [9780977356768]

【4周达】Veblen in Plain English: A Complete Introduction to Thorstein Veblen's Economics [9780977356768]

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预订 Thorstein Veblen and His Critics, 1891-1963: Conservative, Liberal, and Radical Perspectives [9780691633664]

预订 Thorstein Veblen and His Critics, 1891-1963: Conservative, Liberal, and Radical Perspectives [9780691633664]

1304 原价1314 去抢购

【4周达】A New Economic Theory of Public Support for the Arts: Evolution, Veblen and the Predatory Arts [9780367597405]

【4周达】A New Economic Theory of Public Support for the Arts: Evolution, Veblen and the Predatory Arts [9780367597405]

578 原价588 去抢购